January 27, 2011

Things that never were


Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommended by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy it's been a while there partner, a LONG while. Memory check, I was w/ you & family(on2wheels) when your dad almost pulled a couple nipple rings outa couple nipples. Send Hulleo Phoopydryps a squirt,"CAREFULL" now not on the shirt.Thslbfna

garrett.burke said...

Dude. I'm so struggling to remember that incident. I asked my mom about it the other day, and my dad too and we all seem to remember something happening we just can't remember what. I think some guys were giving you and me a hard time, and for some reason my dad saw, or found out, and threatened to pull the one guys nipple ring out. Don't remember why or how, he didn't do though. right?