April 12, 2011

Toying with the small minded.

Leaving A&P this morning after a stunningly interesting lecture on blood, the circulatory system and the nervous system I sort of ran into a problem.

I was walking towards the exit when a kid of maybe between 17-20 kinda bumped into me. As he approached me I was thinking he was coming a little close, it probably had something to do with the uber-swagger he had going. I thought his pants were going to fall off and he had what looked like a blade or something in his pocket. I dismissed it cause I had to pee. I heard something coming from behind me after he passed.

I'm sure that this dude thought he looked like this.
But really he looked like this.

Both photos contain people who have very low self-esteem and probably had daddy/mommy issues. The guy my story is about looked like the whitey in the second picture. 

It sounded like 'flag is on the wrong side homie,'
 I turned around and said "What are you talking about?"

"Your flag is on the wrong side, yo gangsta it's disrespectful to the flag" This is when he pulled out his own 'flag' which is a red bandanna and started waving it around, which in gangland is calling out, or asking for a fight. 

"I don't quite understand what your saying" Knowing full well exactly what was on this dumbass's mind (not a whole lot to grasp onto in there I imagine) Purposefully making him repeat himself,causeing him to look a little foolish which irritated him even more, just because it's so easy to irritate these people.

"I'm a blood nigga, and having your flag in the left pocket is mad disrespectful"

"I'm not a gangster dude, I blow my nose on this thing. I don't give a shit about your gang or it's colors" I said laughing a little and pulling my hankie out to show him.

"I'm a blood nigga, you wanna fight?! I'll cut you up nigga, stupid ass whitey what the fuck you looking at me for." (this kid was as white as the blow he probably had for breakfast.

"That's too bad" I said rather mockingly

"what was that?" He said coming closer to me, leaving only about 10 to 15 feet between us.

"I said that sucks your a gangster, are you looking for a fight? Because I'm not interested in fighting" Thinking to myself I could take him easily, granted he didn't have a gun or a knife, like I suspected.

I turned around and started walking away all the while, from a distance, he kept egging me on calling me names and saying he was gonna bring his 'boys' back and kick my ass.

"I'm gonna cut you up if you talk shit about the colors, bring my boys back and cut you up nigga."

I'm obviously not black, so maybe this dude wasn't as smart as he didn't already look.

"Your not worth getting kicked out of school for bro" I said politely and seriously. He was hopping mad so after he turned the corner, I quickly followed him. I listened as he was walking down the hall, and watched as well. He was flipping his gang sign all over the place, and I could hear 'I'm a blood nigga'

 Hilariously enough the whole thing was caught on tape. I am friends with the security guard who works at bates, one of them. He told me that right after the punk confronted me looking for a fight, he tried to get into a fight with someone else. He had a fairly large blade on him turns out. Didn't go to Bates, but was at school looking for someone to stab for an initiation purpose or something. That's what the guard told me, said he'd chased this kid off before, and that next time he was going to taze him. I hope I'm there for that. 

My adrenaline was pumping so hard. Right when he said that he wanted to fight, instantly it was like electricity flowing through my veins, I actually felt taller and stronger. It wasn't hard to walk away, like I told the douche, fighting unless it's defending myself is not worth getting kicked out of school for. 

Also instead of getting stabbed and kicked out of school today I went and bought a kit-kat bar so I could sit and think about the good decision I'd made. Hurray for me. Also hurray for boobies.

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