June 25, 2010

Garrett : 1 Adventure: 0 bwa ha ha ha

So as some of you may know. I will be leaving the state here soon to go on an adventure. This thing has been a long time coming, and it's not the adventure I had in my mind. It's strange, this adventure kind of came out of the rubble and destruction of the other adventure/life plans I had in my mind, and even some of those I wrote down on paper.

I will be leaving you all in a trail of dust no later than july29th. I know that I will have everything squared away by that time. It's my personal deadline the point of no return. The absolute last day I can be at my folks house. One day longer and I would probably go insane. I love them, and i appreciate the hell out of them letting me stay here.

However I am going crazy trying to be my own person and our lifestyles clashing so much. I'm not a 50 year old adventist. That alone, well the age and the Adventism is  enough to make any 25yr old man who's trying to find himself a hard place to live. Mother is fickle, and father is deep rooted. Ha it would be, and is sort of funny watching the entire family drama.... when I'm not living there.

I will be starting the official 'saga' as in the story from day one of my adventure. I'll probably start it between July 12-19 not sure why, I just get the feeling that something is going to happen between those days and it would be a nice mark to start the story. We'll see if anything happens.

Right now. I have a few more things I need to buy that I don't have money for at all.

  • Deep Cycle Battery
  • Solar panel for roof
  • Mace
  • Radiator
  • Brakes
  • Tire (need an extra one, 'cause I do not have a spare.)
There are some other things, but these are the things I need the most. Not in any particular order, though the highlighted stuff is stuff I need to make sure I don't break down in the middle of nowhere.

I guess I should put the call out there: if anyone knows how to replace a radiator. I would be eternally grateful if you could show me how so I can install a new one before I leave.

Also if anyone knows where to get the things I listed at a reasonable price I would be very grateful as well.

Since I'm not telling anyone where I'm going or how long I'll be gone, I've made a decision. I'm going to start giving clues as to where I'm going as my blog goes on. When I actually get in the truck and start the journey, then and only then will I even consider telling you all where I'm going. I plan on taking the scenic route and it might take a few weeks to get there, so I might have to just tell you where I'm going to sleep each night. The truck will have a canopy and has plenty of room to sleep warm, snug and safe. I'll never have to go be destined for anywhere!

clue~the trip in a straight shot takes about 19hrs according to Google maps.

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