July 11, 2010

good music is so freeing

Garrett Burke This is what fills my soul. Amazing music set to great visuals. Thank you lost! Seriously, listen to this song and try to not smile, and feel all warm and fuzzy all over. These are the times when you feel like it's gonna be alright, like the dark heavy blanket of life that's been resting on your shoulders covering your head is lifted but for a few minutes so you can see the sunshine. You feel it's strong warm presence against your skin. Your ears prick up at the sensation of a bead of sweat running down the side of your neck. 

Yesterday this would have been too hot. Last night it would have been too cold. Right now, here in this moment there's nowhere you'd rather be than sitting here in your sunbeam, slowly soaking up the warm radiation and stretching your arms and legs out in strange curls, punctuated with the sounds of yawning and contented mumbling.

Your entire life has led you to this moment of pure joy, warmth and pleasure. 

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