March 23, 2011

"The Creed" of the BioMedicalEquipmentTechnician

“Creed of the BMET”
I am a highly skilled expert Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET). I am credible and have the highest integrity. I shall never forget the lives and health of others who depend on my profession. I am a Guardian of patient safety!
I will always use proper equipment, for I know what can happen if I substitute unsuitable equipment in order to accomplish my job.
I will always use the proper technical data and checklists while performing my job. I will follow them carefully and overlook nothing.
I will keep my test equipment calibrated and my tools in the best serviceable condition. An uncalibrated instrument could endanger a patient; a worn tool could injure me or my co-worker.
I will recognize my limitations and I am obligated to seek the help of those more experienced than myself if for whatever reason I am unable to complete my job.
I will never forge ahead into uncertainty where the life or health of a patient might be endangered.
I will set my standards higher than “the book” requires. If I am not satisfied with my work I have done, I will remain behind and do it over 1000 times or until I am satisfied.
I will take ownership and pride in my work. While some may describe maintenance people as “grease monkeys”, I know I have been trained without parallel in order to perform complex tasks. My organization has invested thousands of dollars and placed precious lives into the skill of my two hands. I will remain forever worthy of that trust.
I will strive to be the very best BMET in my organization! Even if I am not, I will do my job as if I am. I will never falter nor shall I fail.
I will try to spread my positive attitude to those with who I work. If I have a positive attitude, I will be working as part of a team of individuals contributing to a better healthcare system.
It is my duty to support all healthcare providers or those who help the sick, disabled, infirmed, and injured. I will be ready at all hours to perform my assigned tasks placing these duties before personal desires and comforts.
I will think in the abstract, I will think outside of the box, I will take suggestions from my team members, I will not dismiss any suggestion that may solve the problem.  I will not stop until I have solved the problem, using all resources at my disposal.  I will not show up someone by thinking I am smarter or better prepared.  I will be humble in my work and just do it!  I will not brag, nor will I toot my own horn by asking questions that only I know the answer of.
I will teach and I will be patient with those who either do not know or are in need of service training, I will give my knowledge freely and expect nothing in return.
To all of this …I give my word.

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