June 29, 2010

Getting started with God.

I'm having a good day, all things considered. It's the sort of day, well it's not the day, or the time I'm referring to really. I'm talking about how I feel, my genuinely good outlook on life and the calmness I feel.

Jesus calling the book I read every morning when I first get up said something that really caught my attention. It talked about asking God to come be with you right after you wake up, when you aren't fully coherent yet, and you haven't fully woken up. Just say his name and he will make the rest of your day go well. Not go well, but he said that you would be able to experience the day, tailor made for you. I don't have the book on hand or I would quote more specifically.

I had to wake up early this morning, at 7am. Yes for the unemployed that is fairly early, though I should be getting up much earlier.

I was so tired and groggy, and I was freezing, it's been warm but last night was a cold one. I had the puppies to snuggle with and keep me warm and that was nice.

I woke up and wispered jesus' name and so far this day has been just fine. I've been in a fairly good emotional state, despite not being able to shower. Also almost being out of  money.

I will survive, God and I will get through. I'll get through with God carrying me...

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