July 2, 2010

I got the job!

I needed to do some laundry, somehow I lost a bunch of socks or at least I thought I did. Seems that I had more but they disappeared. Anyway, I went to do laundry at my friends house, we played guitar hero for a couple hours it was freakin' awesome. The puppies were playing with the other dogs there and we all had a blasty blast.

I arrived back at my 'house' a couple hours ago, and the nice old man that I had been curious about opened his window and started asking about the dogs. I had seen this guy plenty of times, old white haired man, probably early 60's or late 50's, really nice guy. He said that his wife had seen my dogs previously and she wanted to know what kind they were. 

Anyway he and I got to talking, and for some reason he mentioned that one of his 2 employees had just quit. I instantly jumped in after asking him what he did, to say I would love some work. He explained that he fixes dental equipment, he showed me how to do a little bit of it today we worked on a drill. There weren't that many parts, there's the turbine, two bearings, a clip and four fingers.... I'm so excited, I love that kind of stuff! That's what I want to go to college for! Equipment repair! He said that he would train me how to fix the two most popular brands of tools. He has a very large are of sales, most of washington state, except for vancouver. 

I will know when he gets back from his sales trip next week

Pray for me everyone! and thanks to those of you who have been already.

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