July 13, 2010

I just had an extremely upsetting, anxious, loud conversation with someone. Basically I was called childish, dull and not understanding or caring. I guess that there are a few implications I missed. Namely if the parental units are downstairs together alone, I'm to assume that they're in highschool again; and I'm to treat them as such.

I should know that when a movie gets over that's when the frisky, adult type stuff takes place. See usually when that happens I'm told that there is going to be a 'date night' in that case I stockpile all the food and drink I need for the evening in my room so I can leave the parents alone and not worried about someone coming down the stairs and seeing them making out or whatever.

This always works great for everyone. Now about 50% of the time I'm told nothing, they will just sit down and watch a movie, I'll come downstairs to let the dogs out or grab a drink/snack and that's when the conflict starts.

I'm supposed to know that when a movie is over that's when it starts getting hot and I should not come downstairs for any reason. However there is no consistency, logic or standard for how these nights are supposed to go. The only sure way to not get a verbal reaming is to wait till VERY late at night when I'm sure they've fallen asleep in their room. Then I can go downstairs and grab a drink and some food and take the dogs potty.

This causes somewhat of a distressing situation for me. I can't plan for something that they just assume I'm going to figure out is going on. I was literally told tonight that I would have to be 'stupid and oblivious' to not know that after a movie when people are alone they make out and do things they wouldn't want people catching them do. Even though tonight when I came down to grab some fruit and water and let the dogs out, mom was playing farmville and dad was halfway into another movie. Yet I was treated like I walked in on them having sex. I keep going through it in my head, looking for a way I could have seen what was happening and avoided this confrontation.

I wrote out the scenarios in my journal, and posted some stuff to facebook, now I'm processing the whole thing on my blog, and the more I process the more I think she just snapped and kinda went ape-shit on me for no reason. She even admitted to freaking out on me because I should have known better than to come down after their done watching a movie. I would have guessed that considering the time Mom would have either been sleeping already or on her way to bed seeing as how the movie was over.

I assumed wrong on that one, she got a new laptop so instead of going to bed or doing anything normal like they usually do they stay downstairs much longer because mom can play farmville while keeping up the illusion that they're spending time together.

Mom told me to hurry up and move out, that they didn't want me around if I was going to bother them all the time like this. Since they started their unplanned and unannounced date night I have been downstairs twice for a total of 5 min once to let the dogs out get water and ask if they were having date night, and then I volunteered to get 'out of their hair' to which they said I was fine I wasn't in their hair.

When I came down a second time it was terribly obvious to me that the mood had somehow shifted and Mom was on the war path. I couldn't avoid the lashing, I used every diffuse the confrontation technique I know and she still ended up yelling at me. I tried to diffuse the situation, but I ended up just having to walk away apologizing as I went, the whole ordeal upset me so much I ended up throwing up most of my dinner. Which means now I'm hungry and stuck upstairs totally unprepared. Today started off a really good day, I got a job and I cleaned my room and got some great sun. Then I was verbally assulted. Good times... NOT.

I know what's going on now, I just had to think about it. I still couldn't have handled things in any more of an adult manner than I did. I believe it was mom who was in the wrong tonight, flying off the handle for no logical reason.

God forgive me for whatever I did, and please be with Mom she's obviously very upset about something.

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